Journal vol.9 no.1 abstract1 of The Japan Health Care Dental Association


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The Journal of The Japan Health Care Dental Association

The Journal of The Japan Health Care Dental Association Vol.9 No.1, 2007

Report of Dr. Mituhiro Tsukiboshi's Lecture Meeting
Minimal Intervention Dentistry to Think about The Lifetime Health of the Patients

Mituhiro Tsukiboshi, DDS

This article reports the Dr. Tsukiboshiユs lecture delivered in the Healthcare Meeting on November, 2007. His lecture began with the consideration on the general idea and the concept of Minimum Intervention Dentistry. He emphasized the importance of diagnosis of dental pulp by using electric pulp tester and called attention to active healing capacity of dental pulp by showing the case of transient apical breakdown, the dental pulp that once lost vital reaction and began changing color came alive, and the case of crown fracture with pulp exposure. Four healing progresses of root fracture: 1st: healing with calcified tissue, 2nd: interposition of connective tissue, 3rd: interposition of bone and connective tissue and 4th: interposition of granulation tissue, were presented with respective typical clinical cases.

The treatment of dislocated tooth, reimplantation of traumatic desorbed tooth, reimplantation of deciduous tooth were also commentated mainly with the focus on the diagnosis of them. He presented the clinical cases to indicate that the apical lesion was not the index to measure the necrosis of pulp and that, regarding the total pulpitis derived from trauma, the younger the patients were, the more their dental pulp could be preserved. Finally, he showed the clinical case of autoplasty practiced on the wisdom tooth with incomplete root and positioned this treatment technique to be at the peak of minimal intervention dentistry.

J Health Care Dent. 2007; 9: 4-23.

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