Journal vol.1 no.1 abstract3 of The Japan Health Care Dental Association


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The Journal of The Japan Health Care Dental Association

The Journal of The Japan Health Care Dental Association Vol.1 No.1, 1999

Management of Patient's Clinical Data-Significance and the System

Takashi Kumagai

Management of patient's clinical data is important for the patient's well being as well as for the objective evaluation in the clinic. But the effective management becomes more difficult as more information is obtained. So, the information management system should also have to be considered in the light of cost effectiveness. Authors have ever proposed data management system for obtaining clinical epidemiological data, in addition to the recordings of conventional diagnostic chart or intraoral photography. While some portions of the system are introduced in this magazine, the significance and the system for patient's data management, which authors adopt in the daily practice are mentioned first of all.

J Health Care Dent 1999; 1: 26-27.

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