Journal vol.7 no.1 abstract1 of The Japan Health Care Dental Association


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The Journal of The Japan Health Care Dental Association

The Journal of The Japan Health Care Dental Association Vol.7 No.1, 2005

Examination and Diagnosis of Periodontal Disease: Present and Future

Makoto Yokota, DDS

In Japan, the intervention in the dental caries is excessive, but that in the periodontal disease is all too inadequate. In other words, there are no firmly established examination and intervention in the early and moderate stage of periodontal disease. It infers from this situation that most periodontal treatments may result in the unbalanced cost effectiveness. The aim of this article is to have a view of the directions; what will be obtained from any current examination of periodontal disease, and what diagnosis will be feasible in the near future. Since the author have focused his study on the bounds of the treatment non-surgical procedures can reach, it is important to find out every possible risk factors relevant to the study. In order to summarize the significance of clinical examination and the interpretation of examination outcomes, this article will discuss the following subjects: 1) Current examination of periodontal disease, 2) Classification of periodontal disease in 1999 workshop, 3) Significance of pocket probing and bleeding on probing, 4) Tooth migration by inflammation, 5) Relation between the influence of tooth migration on the occlusion and the influence of mobility on the inflammation and progression of periodontal disease, 6) Cementum micro fracture from colossal stress, and 7) Personal differences in the responses to the periodontal treatment.

J Health Care Dent. 2005; 7: 4-22.

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